
South Australian Group

Are you interested in becoming a member?

We are very keen to enlist new members with a view to expanding our interests in this fascinating pursuit. At the time of formation, our prime concern was the collection and restoration of the earliest radios dating back as far as the early part of the twentieth century. However, we have expanded into other areas of electronic collection and preservation. For example, we now have a considerable number of members that are involved in Ham Radio and Valve Audio dating from the mid-twentieth Century and more recently Transistor Radios as these become more popular as collectables. We are very keen on encouraging young members as many of our more senior members have reached saturation point, having insufficient room to accommodate more items.

We hold regular auctions (open to members only), where prices are far lower than one would expect at on-line auction sites or auction houses. Parts, valves, test equipment, books and radios are plentiful at our auctions, all at reasonable prices. Speaking personally, prior to joining the HRSA, my options for collecting were restricted to scanning newspaper for-sale columns and second-hand dealers. A very unrewarding experience when compared to the resources and friendships formed through HRSA membership.

The assistance and guidance available from our members, many who have worked in various facets of the industry, is invaluable and they are only too keen to help beginners get into this activity. You don’t need to be an Engineer or Technician either, as many members simply restore the cabinets and radio chassis, leaving the technical repairs to those more expert in that field. However, many members enter this hobby with little or no technical training and soon learn enough to fix most of the faults that occur and soon require little assistance.

It is also worth noting that it requires little financial investment or space to get started in this rewarding activity, so give it some thought. Drop us an email (see our "Contact Us" page) and you are most welcome to attend a meeting as our guest before making any commitment.

For New Members and Renewing Members: Click on this link to the National website's Membership page where you can download a current membership form.

We hope to see you soon!

Kindest Regards,
The SA Group Committee.

The information provided in this site is based on information supplied by the HRSA (unless otherwise specified), and is intended only as an introduction and guide to the HRSA for the range of available products, items and services for its own financial members.