David Cox

Interviewer: Ian Hansen


David Cox took a science/physics course at the University of Adelaide which lead to him building his first radio. His first relieving job after graduating was at The School of Mines (on North Terrace, Adelaide) where he taught the evening classes in wireless 1 and 2. Several years later he became permanent in the physics dept but continued to teach the evening wireless classes and a Saturday class in basic electronics, where post war a radio department was established. Later radio technicians and broadcast courses were established, until the Radio Trade School took it over in around 1956. David became involved with the IRE and lectured some events.

Note: this interview is only 31 minutes long and ends quite abruptly without a summary of how David finished his working career....

To listen to the interview with David Cox, click on the button below. It will open a new page. When you are finished, close that page and you will return here.

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