Celebrating 100 Years of Broadcasting in South Australia

Exhibition - February to March 2025

100 Radios for 100 Years


Over the past 100 years, broadcast radio and television have become a true cultural force, and a part of daily life in South Australia.
The exhibition looked at the development of licensed radio and television broadcasting which officially began in South Australia in late 1924.

Below is a collection of photographs taken at the exhibition held at the State Library of South Australia from 14th February to 30th March 2025.

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The western side of the room showing the 1930's and 1950's tables, and the original Producer's Console from radio station 5CK in Port Pirie, SA.

One 1940's feature was the experimental Commonwealth Railways built radio that was installed on the train that ran between Port Augusta in SA and Kalgoorlie in WA.

This is the original black & white "Test Pattern" as used by ADS Channel 7 in Adelaide in the 1950's and an original studio TV camera from the same period.

The black & white TV was showing a 4 hour loop of old footage from the 1960's to the late 70's.
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Left: We also paid tribute to all the local suburban radio & TV repair shops where many of us spent our pocket money on crystal sets, cheap components and spare radio bits and pieces as we were growing up.

This one was for “Jennings and Olding” a store in Nailsworth, in Adelaide’s northern suburbs, founded in 1948. Rob Olding, the son of the store’s founder John Olding is a current member of the HRSA in SA.

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